Monday, November 22, 2010

How Do You Get Cataracts In Your Thirties

(k)nulla / 04

In a back stage filled with young models
might seem favorable conditions.

the mind of a
with a sense of reality and can
bound like ivy to every neuron


Fresh water and short chain.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do Probiotics Fix Ibs

Di Modelle / parte I

Modella al Casting.

In fila indiana come una brava bambina,
aspetta il suo turno paziente e muta,
in piedi stoica
arriva alla 'cattedra' dove stanno appollaiati quelli che la selezioneranno,
dopo essersi infilata al volo dei tacchi assassini
(non stilosi, assassini di caviglie,
lo stile glielo devono mettere addosso come i vestiti),
sorride umile e mite,
(in alternativa c'è la variante super friendly
che si presenta a tutti stringendo energicamente mani,
se mi molli la mano   ti tiro un biscottino, promesso!
Se la smetti di agitarti anche una sacca per la trasfusione di sangue, 
che mi sei emaciata )
Ti chiedi perché sia vestita come una sfollata.
Tesoro, ma almeno per osmosi, non hai imparato ad abbinare i colori?
No eh? Color blind?
Then look at the python human hangers that unfolds behind her and close:
Shit, there is an epidemic of blindness among the models!
will have to do with the abandonment of carbohydrates?
you book the delivery. You
dislocating the neck and then watching her pussy on the book.
But why did you leave your relative at home this treasure?
Could not you send her?!
Ah, you're the first special effects? It makes the walk

Go Back Spin

vacuous gaze turns into a look of ice.
Fisso in un punto non meglio definito della parete.
Stesso sguardo per tutte / a imitazione della Magnum di Zoolander

Stesso punto per tutte / che ci sia una zanzara spiaccicata? O una caccola enorme?
Considerazioni si incrociano al tavolo degli avvoltoi
Nooo, troppo grassa .
(Grassa????? Ma la sua coscia è come il mio polso!! Come grassa?)
Va bene tesoro, grazie per essere venuta

Se passerà la selezione, quella sarà stata the last time you saw traces of her education ...

To be continued ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Itchy Eyes, Tightened Chest

(k)nulla / 03

Knulla the sleepless night.

the night that never goes away.

Knulla those nights when you start lettto,
you stretched all the sighs
last night when the sheets from wrapping
friends are transformed into strings that you cling to the arms and legs

Nights when you struggle as a Vermona beds
stressed as a hanging hook Cagnotto
that examines the jaws of trotone wide open, ready for breeding

nights where everything looms
you feel more alone than the particle deficient water Lete
all the problems in your quiver
are there.

And you feel that you can not do.
You wonder how is it that up to two hours before
you were not aware of all the shit so deep you had to solve. Then at dawn

collapses after a night of chill-like menopause
And you wake up half an hour after almost
And you do not remember what was the problem.

But you lost 10 years of life

looking for solutions for things that not even remember!

KNULLA, nights of shit!

Partecipano questa settimana (grazie di cuore)

Nati per Delinquere
Stima di Danno
Voglio una Mela Blu

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where Did Anna Nicole Smith Die

Yin & Yang / 02

Io & Me

Lo Yin & Yang di oggi, ricalca un po' quello della mamma  della rubrica.

Io non mi sta simpatica del tutto
Me non mi convince appieno.
Come due mici che se la litigano

Non sempre,
ma da abbastanza tempo,
ho chiara in mente la persona che vorrei essere.

Ma ancora non sono riuscita a farla sbocciare.

Io & Me
invadono spazi,
contribuiscono a mandarmi in confusione.
Con un'abilità sottile
e infiltrante.
come la nebbia

Così, Lei
resta latente e sepolta.

Sono in balia di Io & Me
prigioniera come Cenerentola di Genoveffa e Anastasia

I contorni di Io & Me
collimano frizionando.
non uscirà finché non combaceranno completamente,
regalandomi unità

of brand new to Estimated Damage .

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kopalnia Dzierżysław

(k)nulla / 02

Knulla the relative.
But relative to the snake.

Knulla relative to the ignorant.

You, ignorant or relative, who as separate images
me like a panda.
And understand that when you do in your part
false papers.
Would you give your grandchildren in temporary option
a factory bolts. While
to see me, studying me, watching me
Go home and tell.
But who then?

before my curse inchiodino
sul trono di ceramica per le prossime 6 settimane, 
sappi, o parente ignorante, 
che non appartengo a una specie in via d'estinzione, 
i separati ormai sono come i piccioni.
Li trovi un po' ovunque ormai.
E, come i comuni pennuti, 
a tradimento potrei evacuare sulla tua testa.

è inutile che, 
la mattina della mia partenza, 
chiami con l'affanno mia madre, 
dicendo che hai impastato tutta night
and is finishing up the bread dough to rise
and that just is cooked you would be willing to bring.

Knulla relative to you ignorant

1. because it alone made me think of carbohydrates,
and I do not need no incentives my thigh enlargement.
Except myself.

2. because it insults my intelligence, and who the fuck did she then asked for bread?

3. for I were you, I would go see my daughter, then to try to understand the miracle
per cui, qualcuno se l'è sposata.

4. perché durante una misera manciata di giorni di relax, 
mi costringi a fare la gimcana, 
come quando 
su montani sentieri, 
evito le merde delle mucche.

Knulla a te.

E spero tanto che quel pane, 
fosse una baguette!
Te la lascio, o parente ignorante, 

Friday, November 5, 2010

What Happens When Your Tummy Rumbles

Icone - Vanessa Paradis

Potenza mediatica delle icone.

La cosa che mi piace di più di Vanessa Paradis, è Johnny Deep.
La sovvengo fringuella in Joe Le Taxi .
E fringuella è rimasta sull'altalena di Coco .

In Joe Le Taxi la ricordo per il look paninaro che andava forte all'epoca dell'uscita
e perché nuotava letteralmente nei vestiti.
Appesa all'altalena la ricordo per Chanel.
Si fosse appesa per altri, l'avrei rimossa.

Ma per qualche strano motivo la sua potenza mediatica è stata caricata da cose che,
non ha fatto, non ha detto, non ha interpretato.
(Credo che con la Bellucci si contendano il podio)

Vanessa Paradis è sexy.
Per convenzione.
E io lo accetto.

Talmente sexy da non avere praticamente le labbra.
E fare la pubblicità del Rouge Coco Mademoiselle.

E' il testimonial ideale per vendere rossetti?
O da Chanel sperano che noi donne, 
lo compreremo per conquistare il nostro Johnny Deeep?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

If I Dvr A Program Does It Give It Ratings?

Yin & Yang

Il mio Yin & Yang di oggi è:
/ silver cut with an ax beautiful hairy feet
La Perla
/ tacco12 super fashion and glitter in the bag for tonight

the rest are a shoe and a slipper, but it was understood.
Your what?

This post participates in Yin and Yang, it seems to miss the section on Thursday
of brand new estimate of Damage .

Just to freshen the air, you estimate, the de:
No, I do not have a blog. No, I will not open a blog.
Then I discovered that leaving anonymous comments is annoy the bloggers. So already I was there ...
If, if. Everyone says so. Oh well. Quaquaraquà.

(ps: the photo sucks, but I only had the BB and I could not fail to document)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Metal Core Zebra Print Wheels

Cappella degli Scrovegni, Giotto and making money

Culture is no greenery.
known fact.

È una fabbrica.
Di soldi.

Giovedì scorso ho prenotato la mia visita alla Cappella degli Scrovegni, Giotto, Eremitani, Padova.
In realtà volevo fare una ricerchina per capire costi e orari.
Mi sono ritrovata sul sito dell’FBI:
Organizzatissimo, cosa che apprezzo, ma da subito ho intuito che mi stavo apprestando all’intruppamento.

Ho dato tutti i miei dati anagrafici.
Sono una nota terrorista del resto.
Se sputo su un putto è giusto che sappiano dove venirmi a cercare.
Ho dovuto precisare who, how, where, when and why.

successfully booked a visit for 2.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Balance immediately with a credit card.
A nice 13 euro each.
26 in all.
The restoration costs. Ask the
you I will confirm. Even the

works of art, recognized worldwide, here I am.

Honor to the city of Padua.
I leave the car in a parking lot outside, and take the tram through the city. I
precise and stress-free spring in front of my place of interest.

Desk, declining to confirm your reservation on stamped paper. Dear
: printing ticket, send me a 'museum assistant' that shows me the cloakroom to leave my belongings. What kind
, the wardrobe is next to the desk in practice ...
do not need a person (more than one actually) to show me where ...
The assistant tells me, after you come back here and I'll explain how to go the chapel.
I go out in the cloister and from there in the garden is not the case?
È un edificio in mezzo al prato… dubito mi sfugga. Vabbè.
E creiamo posti di lavoro!

Mi permetto un pensiero indipendente.
Dal guardaroba vado a prendermi le audio guide.
Non sono riuscita a risciacquarmi i neuroni sui sacri testi e voglio profittare al meglio della visita.
Signorina deliziosa, che mi spiega persin la genesi del congegno.
5 euro.

26 + 5= 31 euro.
Vuoi mettere l’emozione di cui godrò tra poco??!!

Il coadiutore I branch, while rebellious and subversive, I try to go out into the cloister by me.
It earned 'is loaf.
Outside, left, right.
Ah, I see then?

In a transparent-walled room,
apt to the Chapel as a bug on a lace curtain,
about 20 people watching a video imbesuite preparation.
15 minutes of video preparation.
The flow is tightly organized.

The sheep come into this room.
Doors serrano behind them.
You 'enjoy' the introductory video.
When the video
other doors open (and then retighten them as well flush my ass)
and lead the flock along a corridor-bridge.
last door in Chapel sheep.

To manage this flow that develops in a linear meters 15na: 3 helpers.
I will therefore seize the ass when it wants me to manage my business run?
Vista so we should be in 20, boh.

Beeeeee. There are
On the audio guide.
voice machine gun information.
-fast, gunshots.
jump from one order to another, from one wall to another as a sprinter gold medal.
abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200brepeating the experience later in life.
When I make her arthritis, it will be a luxury that I can no longer afford.
The guide tells me who and what I see.
Jesus, St. Joseph, Our Lady and all the angels in the column.
I also would have liked some information on technique, trivia, anecdotes, the period in which a scene had been painted.
Niet .

the shooting ends.
10 minutes of little info. Confused and dazed detachment
the contraption the ear.
I am going to enjoy the colors and thicknesses in peace.
A process images in my head. A
me pervade the stocks and the features of the faces. From
matter shaped by the genius of Giotto.

pastor arrives.
It shows me the exit.
But I have not finished feed!!
I graze a little 'Giotto's skies!
not give a damn the intro video for example!
And I have kept more in the stupid room!
WHERE 'my emotion??

Nothing, thrown out.
publishing the audio guide.
I note the speed and the small information.
The officer explained to me that says the first was indeed more extensive, long and detailed.
but this makes less rich than the desk.

give me a very long questionnaire.
Customer satisfaction.
The time to smear this paper is longer than I have left available in front of the frescoes.

31 € 15 minutes of video
introductory 10-minute visit to Chapel
coaudiutori least 7 to 30 meters (there was one at the mouth of the cloister garden ... )

The cost of the ticket allows entrance to all the realities of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Hermits.
But honestly then I was so annoyed that I went to fetch coffee Pedrocchi.

I do not care to see everything, unless you ask.
So: let me pay a figure that calculates only the visit to the Chapel.
and appropriate to the time that I concede.

short, or less money.
Or the same amount of money, more time and fewer assistants.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Belize Furniture Dresser

(k) nothing / 01

Knulla to you (you really)
you made me throw it in the toilet for hours and hours of
last week.

time passes and the wrinkle does not stop one hour.

I wasted a lot of time unnecessarily, but for my own volition. Maybe a hair ingrown
staring intensely
hoping that a conviction would lead to hair look spontaneous,
causing frailty in the hair bulb.

Knulla for the time spent staring at ceilings and walls.
Knulla latent for boredom.
Knulla for the spider to me all interwoven with its burrs from what I was motionless. But above all
knulla because as I was aiming for Evanesce
house, supermarket and sofa
those that would have materialized to be the commitments of the day.
And I was riveted to them.
While my head was out.
And then, in braking, my neurons crashed on the cranial wall of the frontal lobe.
And many have perished, and many were bruised

Knulla, because my time is valuable and should be treated with respect. Do not miss the first
facendomene after and not abused.
Knulla to those who think they have no policy of my minutes and my hours.
Assuming my availability.

Knulla, casserole dish!

(pass the ball)

participate, and I am very honored to (K) nothing
Born to commit a crime
Mom is not enough
Lolita makes the gnocchi and
Mom head
Thank you!