Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oovoo Cant Mac Camera

A Gianni

A Gianni

had come up
between slate and ancient times.
But before that he was
explosion of color in the sun. He won the red
- but not only. He had studied
between slate and ancient times, always on the line
sea. And he lived
lines - but not only.
He had the most beautiful flowers and wine and the most beautiful flower
He followed, until you pass the line of the horizon
so hot Caribbean. A
And he would dream
reported here
between slate and ancient times. And he continued
love - but not only.
And life was music
But the music would also
back here - but not only. That still is
explosion of color in the sun.
A love that color of the heart. A prayer came


Taggia, 30.01.2009

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make Up Vanity Blueprints


You can not go against the course of the sun,
ma sia dolce il tramonto,
lungamente solo nel mare dei sogni,
e dilegui la tenebra...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Super Critical Extractor

La cantina

Giungono lontane
canzoni di mare...
E qui tra vino e pietre
manca il silenzio.

Taggia, 5.I.11