Due giorni di sole di fila, hanno illuso me e l'aMicio che la Primavera sia arrivata.
Ci hanno un po' convinto i raggi, enfin tiepidini (anche se dietro l'angolo all'ombra freezes.)
led us to think of the pigeons with the hormone tubereccio rooftop - as I understand them!
(we are content, who knows if they will reach the swallows)
We were a bit 'convinced the killer Opposite blackbird that lays its eggs just careful all'aMicio balconies,
was not even Batman could launch into space to go and insult the brood .
I can not say that I had taken off her stockings, not even the port of Winter ...
But still, in spirit.
And then we left and went to the park. Here
them. I
bench, he takes me for a ride.
I'm always a little 'pissed off.
It always puzzled. He focused
sulle mie caviglie.
Tutto regolare quindi.
Vi aspettiamo ai giardinetti.
E' arrivata la Primavera!
Il nuovo Header vi dà il benenuto e spera di piacervi :)
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